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No MAN'S Land...

Is this page just for girls?

This is a page for us, The Women, so gentlemen, you're going to feel your skin crawl at times. But, you're very welcome to browse this page too. You do need to know this stuff. For one thing, if you stay single the rest of your life, you likely will have sisters/sisters-in-law/mothers/girlfriends who will all feel tremendously indebted to you if you know the things on this page! But beware. It is for women. Boogie-boogie-boogie.

Welcome ladies!!

Ladies, there are no embarrissing pictures on here either. Just a few tips. Have a cup of tea? Okay, I've got coffee too.

If you haven't already done so, please check out the following pages:

-The Beautiful Headcovering

-On Love and Marriage

-Shabby Chic Ideas for Life (and other pages connected)

-Just for Tots

Need some tips on "the tap"? I personally have some sensitive skin issues, and use cloth. On the right are a few videos about cloth pads.  I hope to be constructing a unique one soon, and would like to make a video so I'll upload it as soon as I can.

Many women have a variety of terms for what Rachel of the Bible called her "custom of women" and another Bible reference describes as "flowers" and "dirty rags" (like sin). I don't like to be too blunt or too colorful in description of our womanly privilege, especially around MEN. Obviously it has certain uses, but we aren't seduction tools; we are LADIES!!! Be sensitive! He isn't made of stone; on the contrary, I'll tell you a secret: he has as many hormones as you and I, and even a cycle. You can look that up yourself.

Humorous note: I nicknamed mine Ophelia. You know, Shakespeare's witch.

Personally, I believe in pads as opposed to cups or tampons. Tampons do have a bacteria risk, and cups sound (personally) painful and awkward. But, to each her own.

Here's where you might find cloth pads:


Necessity truly is the mother of invention, and being poor most of my life, I've invented Patchwork Panties!! NO, I'm not going to put them on Amazon. But I will try to make a demonstration for you to make your own. Most underware is made stupidly and clumsily, with one side shorter than the other. Personally, my one hip is just as wide as my other, so my underware never fit very well. Until I simply started making them myself. With a little bit longer-wider crotch. I absolutely HATE having them go up my crack.

Do you have a sniffle-snuff? How about raw-feeling skin at your time of the month? Or maybe your husband has pneumonia? Maybe your child's got a bad scratch that looks infectious? Please check out my seperate page for natural remedies. I am NOT a naturalist, I am NOT a Health food person, I am NOT a vitamin-yoga-hocus-pokus person at all. These are backyard herbs and kitchen cupboard remedies that people have had for centuries, and are very easy and safe. I've double-checked them with University of Maryland and Mayo Clinic. I've also documented these herbs as safe from various herbologists, such as Peterson's guides. HOWEVER, since everyone is different, please be sensitive. One person may do fabulously with it, and the next may be allergic. My mother can't do tea; I love it. It works all the time for me. All it does for my sister is work as a diarrhetic. Use common sense too!! Please visit my page: "The Old Cure". 

The Old Cure      "The Recipe"

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There's been so much over the years, said about women. Women have often been crushed beneath the burden which men have refused to carry. So they've resented it, thrown it off, and tried to makeshift their own fortress to cover up their hurt feelings. That wasn't meant to be.

     Women, we might say, were created as arbors or plants of love, like roses. Delicate. If cared for, they will bloom and thrive; but left alone, only a rare one will be able to survive in the wild, and that, usually because someone took the time by the roadside to care.

     Genesis says woman was created as a help-meet for man. A comforter, to boulster him up. Without her, he crumbles. Without him, she quickly corrodes in the fierce winds of life. The Bible says also that woman is weaker. Not inferior. Not simple-minded. It's just that women see one side, and men see the other. In body, women are made weaker in some respects than men; yet women can carry a whole lot more emotionally than men can, if given the proper treatment. Think about bearing children. What man could go through that pain? He couldn't; he was never meant to. Women were.  On the other hand, women die when left on their own to fight off danger and try to make their own way.

     Any woman can be perfectly free and fulfilled if she has Jesus. I am single and very happy; my mother is married and fulfilled. Happiness isn't in where you go or who you meet, or even what fills your life. It's who fills your soul.

    Please use the following studies to encourage and guide you. They have really comforted me!

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